Sunday as a Starting Place 9/26/21

The Sower and the Seed Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20 or Luke 8:4–15 Family Discussion Questions Who is is telling this parable?What is a sower? Is there anything that we sow in our lives?When does seed produce grain? How does this fit with people hearing God’s...

Sunday as a Starting Place 9/19/21

Jesus has Authority Matthew 12:1-32 Family Discussion Questions Who is Jesus?What does the word authority mean?When do we as people fall under authority?Where in the scriptures can you see Jesus using the authority He has as God?Why do you think that people questioned...

Sunday as a Starting Place 9/12/21

Jesus Warns Against Judging Matthew 7:1-5 Family Discussion Questions Who is the only righteous judge?What are some different ways in which we judge people?When does judging others or other things cause a problem?Where have you seen someone judge someone else? How...

Sunday as a Starting Place 9/5/21

Jesus Teaches about Trust Matthew 6 Family Discussion Questions Who can trust God?What is the definition of trust? Is there a difference between trusting a person and trusting God?When can we trust God to be there? How do you know?Where in our lives does trust effect...