Jesus Teaches on Prayer
Matthew 6:5-13
Family Discussion Questions
- Who can pray?
- What is prayer?
- When does God hear our prayers?
- Where do we see prayer in the Bible?
- Why would Jesus teach us how to pray?
- How can we be mindful about not just making a prayer a “wish list”?
- Which part of the model prayer sticks out most to you?
- Choose to put reminders to pray around your house this week. Then when you see them, stop and pray.
Additional Resources
Popcorn Prayer – Have one person in the family start a prayer and then stop. Someone else picks up and keeps going. Repeat until everyone has had a least one turn.
Prayer Pictures – Post pictures or written names if everyone in your house can read around the house. Every time you pass the picture or name, stop to pray for the person. Parents you will need to model this out loud for your children multiple times to help them understand. Change the names / photos after a few days or once a week.

Family Worship Kits for Advent are ready for those who reserved a kit earlier in the fall. If you forgot to reserve one, let Kandis know by clicking here and we’ll put one together for you ASAP.
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