About Me

Dr. James Kerr

Senior Pastor


We go with urgency because we believe the world needs Jesus. We go near and far because Jesus is worth it.

I am the Senior Pastor at Clough Pike Baptist Church. I’m happily married to Katie. We are the proud parents of Hannah. I’m having a blast learning to be a girl dad! My family is my first ministry and greatest joy outside of knowing Jesus. I love black coffee, good books, and all sports. I have lived overseas as a missionary in Costa Rica and Ecuador. I spent 17 years in the Army. I enlisted out of high school and eventually became a Chaplain.

Clough Pike is a fantastic church. We are committed to the Bible in all we do. Sunday morning sermons are expositional in nature which means I take a passage of the Bible and explain it in its original context, apply it in our context, and illustrate it. Our commitment to the Bible leads us to be passionate about missions locally and globally.


Our vision as a church is to glorify God and make disciples who gather, grow, give, and go. We make gathering together as a church family a priority. In a day and time when everyone is competing for our time and commitment, we commit to gathering together. We grow as we study God’s Word in our Sunday School and Discipleship Groups (D-Groups). These smaller groups allow us to form deep relationships as we study God’s Word together. We give generously with our finances, talents, and time to the Lord’s work because we believe we are all in this together. Finally, we go with urgency because we believe the world needs Jesus. We go near and far because Jesus is worth it.

I would love to meet you and have you visit us on Sunday. You can fill a connect card online before you come. If I don’t get to meet you before the service, I will be in the lobby after. I would love to meet you. See you Sunday!

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Romans 15:5–6